the formal stuff
Club Code of Conduct Policy
Announcements: Track Nights are every Monday 19:00 at Lewes
Club Code of Conduct
It is a condition of Seaford Striders membership that all members of the Club adhere to the Club Code of Conduct. As a responsible member of the Club while taking part in any Club activity, when representing the Club or taking part in competitions or races, you will:
- Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every Club member, coach, run leader, volunteer, others involved in with the Club and treat everyone equally.
- Act with dignity and display courtesy and good manners towards others.
- Avoid swearing and abusive language and irresponsible behaviour including behaviour that is dangerous to yourself or others, acts of violence, bullying, harassment, physical and sexual abuse.
- Challenge inappropriate behaviour and language by others.
- Not carry or consume alcohol to excess and/or illegal substances.
- Avoid carrying any items that could be dangerous to yourself or others.
- Always when representing the Club in competitions of any sort you will abide by the rules as stipulated in the terms of entry to the competition.
- If unable to run in any race entered, membership will not swap numbers with any other person without proper authorisation with the event organizer.
- Always comply with Club Health and Safety, Club Rules, Policies and Guidance.
- Never act in any way that would bring the Club into disrepute
Created: 13 Sep 2022
Review: Due Sep 2024