Hove Prom 10k results

A fine sunny September day for the 2015 Hove Prom 10k, organised by Arena 80 RC, saw both the men’s and women’s course records broken, by Christopher Zablocki in 30:53 and Emily Proto of Arena 80 AC in 36:32.  First Strider home was Simon Fletcher, in...

Hellingly 10k, Firle and New Forest results

The Hellingly 10k results are up: first man was Paul Navesey of Crawley AC in 33:47, and the first Strider home was Scott Hitchcock in 40:25, followed by Phil Robinson in 41:39. Luke Borland finished in 43:55, Peter Weeks 47:30,  enough to give him second place in the...

2015-15 East Sussex Sunday Cross Country League

The dates for the 2015-15 East Sussex Sunday Cross Country League races have been announced: Sunday 18th October – Warren Hill Sunday 22nd November – Snape Wood, Wadhurst   Sunday 13th December – New Place Farm nr Uckfield   Sunday 17th January...

King’s Head Canter

Winner Jon Pepper (Team Canter For Sight) 15.22. Striders – Phil Robinson 20.27, Luke Borland 21.53, Christian Morton 23.52, Anna Norman 25.07, Joe Plant 25.15, Jackie Webber 26.00. Full results on the King’s Head Canter site.