By Carlie Watts

Carlie at the Manchester finish line
First marathon of three within a month! It was an early start as I walked through Manchester United’s Old Trafford football ground and saw the Sir Alex Ferguson memorial. From there it was just over the hill that we were ushered into the starting pens.
Miles 1-16 were flat and fast and I felt in control. Then I saw my friend which wasincredibly emotional… but I carried on through the streets of Manchester, some of it was going back on itself, which was confusing. I didn’t have a clue where I was!
Miles 16-20 were a struggle, but I managed to keep under my 9:55 pace. Then 20-26 were hard; it was very warm around mid-day and my calf was beginning to niggle.
The people of Manchester were so friendly and encouraging, cheering us all on, spraying us down with jet washes and giving out sweets and chocolates at every corner!
The finish line felt like forever!!! Once again, I cried like a baby as I crossed the finishing line! A medal, t-shirt and a free pint of beer awaited, which was lush!!
In the end it was another PB for me and I was so chuffed with 4:20:57.
Carlie Watts ran a trio of marathons on a month to raise funds for the Martlets Hospice. If you’d like to find out more or to sponsor her, click here.