Junior Striders with Stephen Newberry and Andrew Tully of Newberry Tully
By Hillary Humphreys
A year ago Stephen Newberry and Andrew Tully, from local Seaford estate agents Newberry Tully, agreed to sponsor the junior members of the Seaford Striders running club. This sponsorship enabled the club to purchase ‘Electric Yellow’ t-shirts for them all. These have proved invaluable as the colour is so easily identifiable, especially when the juniors are running around the Salts, which they do most club nights.
One year on and the Seaford Striders were thrilled to hear that Newberry Tully wanted to continue their sponsorship for another year and the juniors were delighted to call and thank Stephen and Andrew in person for their generosity. Seaford Striders is a small club and this local sponsorship has given the group a much-valued boost.