Coaching team
Announcements: Track Nights are every Monday 19:00 at Lewes
Coaching team
The club are committed to working with members and supporting their coaching and leadership development. We are proud to boast a diverse coaching team with a range of qualities and expertise. We gladly invest in our members who are willing to invest in our club to ensure we are in line with the current standards in coaching.
Meet the team who coach and lead our Junior and Senior members:

Joel Eaton
Coach in Running Fitness
Seniors lead coach
Joel oversees the senior track program and the club’s training initiatives.

Phill Stevenson
Coach in Running Fitness

Emily Danvers
Coach in Running Fitness
Junior Striders Lead Coach
Emily oversees the Junior Striders programme and the supporting team.
Coaching Assistants

Colin Browne
Coaching Assistant
Marie Marfleet
Coaching Assistant
Simon Homer
Coaching Assistant
Coaching Assistant
Run Leaders

Victoria Maleski
Leader in Running Fitness

Margaret Osborne
Leader in Running Fitness/Junior Leader

Julie Taylor
Leader in Running Fitness/Junior Leader

Anneka Redley-Cook
Leader in Running Fitness

Nick Farley
Leader in Running Fitness

Ron van Heuvelen
Leader in Running Fitness

Jeanette Wells
Leader in Running Fitness

Gareth Hutchinson
Leader in Running Fitness

Tom Roper
Leader in Running Fitness

Lorraine Quigley
Leader in Running Fitness

Ralph Jennings
Leader in Running Fitness
Russ Hewlett
Leader in Running Fitness
Leader in Running Fitness
Jill New
Leader in Running Fitness
Lisa John
Leader in Running Fitness
Coach Education
Leading in Running Fitness (LiRF) – This is a one day course which enables coaches to lead an adult running session.
Athletics Leader (Leader) – a one day course with no assessment. This is for parents and young people (16+) who would like to help out at the club.
Coaching Assistant (Assistant) – a two day course, no assessment. This is for adults who wish to lead a group under the supervision of an Athletics Coach. and is the first step to becoming a coach.
Athletics Coach (Coach) – a four day course with assessment which enables coaches to lead a group of any age.
Event Group (Performance) – specialisation in individual events or event groups.
Coach in Running Fitness (CiRF) – a follow on from Assistant Coach targeted at running coaches .
For more details see the England Athletics website coaching courses can be found by clicking on the course you are interested and following the booking links.
Coaching courses can be fully funded from various sources including the club. The club oversees one round of training per year. At each round we will evaluate the current standings for each group and put people forward for training where appropriate. .
Renewal of DBS Certificates
You can now renew your DBS certificate on line.The England Athletics website shows the process.
"The obsession with running is really an obsession with the potential for more and more life."